Your gift is your legacy to others, it will continue to give in your memory for years to come.
For over 25 years Abel Tasman Village has had a vision of what we could give to the community. Abel Tasman Village is a very special place for all those that live here. To continue to provide exceptional care and service, funding beyond that available via general government and resident contributions are always required.
We ask you to think about the significant and enduring impact that you can have on the future of the Abel Tasman Village. A gift in your will, will greatly assist us in continuing to be a centre of excellence in aged care.
Leaving a bequest is a very personal decision, and one that requires careful consideration.
If, after giving this careful thought, you would like to leave a gift to the Abel Tasman Village, we suggest that you might include the following wording in your will, or if you already have a will adding a codicil that includes this bequest.
“I give to Abel Tasman Village the sum of $……………… to be used by the Trust at its discretion”
or to make a specific gift
“I give to Abel Tasman Village the sum of $……………………for/or towards……………………..”