We can help you through Aged Care Assessment from start to finish. Call one of our friendly staff, or we can visit and help you make the first call to My Aged Care.
Call us at Abel Tasman (02) 9645 3388
We can guide you through the whole process.
Prepare for the call to My Aged Care
You will need your medicare card when you make the call.
If you would like assistance
Arrange to have someone else present during the call if you would like their help.
You can even appoint someone as a representative to speak on your behalf. Find out more at https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/appointing-representative
If you need translation services
For language translation, call the Translating and Interpreting Service 131 450
If you have hearing or speech impairment, see the National Relay Service site
Call My Aged Care 1800 200 422
Nominate Abel Tasman as your provider so we can support you throughout the process.
During the call, the My Aged Care representative will ask about:
- your health
- how you are managing at home
- any support you currently are receiving
They will decide if you are eligible for a face to face assessment.
Will you need assistance
If you would need help with communication for a face to face assessment, such as language translation, Auslan interpreter or similar, please state this during the call.
If you decide that you would like an advocate or representative for a face to face assessment, you can ask during the call for assistance arranging that also.
Find out more at https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/assessment
An assessor will contact you
An assessor will contact you within 3 weeks.
They will let you know if you are eligible for a face-to-face assessment, and if so, arrange a time.
At any time you can call My Aged Care 1800 200 422 for an update.
Prepare for the assessment
For the Face to face assessment you will need:
Medicare card
Identification such as driver’s licence, DVA card, passport
Your GP’s contact details
Contact details of other health care professionals
Any referrals from your doctor
Information on any support you are currently receiving
Arrange to have someone present if you would like their help
If you need translation services
Language translation or AusLan interpretation should have been arranged in the phone call earlier, but if necessary you can always use the Translating and Interpreting Service 131 450 or The National Relay Service
The assessment will take place in your home.
The assessor may ask you to fill in a form
The assessor will talk to you about what you need
The assessor will work with you to develop a support plan
Questions you may like to ask the assessor
- What services are available to help me reach my goals?
- What services are available locally, and what are the waiting times?
- What supports are there for my carer?
- Are there service providers that speak my language or represent my religious or cultural beliefs?
- How can I contact the assessor if I have any questions after the assessment?
Assessment Result
The face to face assessment will determine if you are eligible for government funded services and if so, which ones:
Home Support assessment with a Regional Assessment Service
Comprehensive assessment with ACAT for:
- Home care
- Short term restorative care
- Residential respite care
- Transition care
- Residential aged care
You can always ask for re-assessment if and when your needs change.