And here we are in May already! Although Katja might be on Holidays, the rest of the Activities team will keep residents busy and entertained this month. Don’t forget Joy and Marius’ 53rd wedding anniversary! Some activities are around Dutch public holidays, Orthodox Easter and of course Mothers Day!
Don’t miss Sophia’s and Elizabett’s (yes, she’s back!) reports. It’s all in this month’s newsletter.
And here is the newsletters for November! Important news for our General Manager about keeping safe and of course the full November activities schedule! Download it here…
Yes, the festive season is here! Tomorrow, 2nd December we’re starting festivities with our traditional Sinterklaas party. Unfortunately without kids this year, but we’ll have a great time anyway!
Of course we’ll have Christmas and New Year to finish off the year. Read all about it in our December newsletter.
With Sydney in lock-down because of the COVID outbreak, here is a peek at what our residents are doing…
Well… actually, life is pretty normal in the ATV ‘bubble”. While staff wear masks and observe strict protocols, residents experience an environment that is more “normal” than might be expected. Katja Jeffries manages an Activities team which doesn’t just entertain, but provides company and encourages fitness routines.
While, traditionally, resident activities were just held in the Main Hall, now the coffee shop and the media room in the new wing provide additional venues to engage residents, and special sessions are held for residents in dementia care where appropriate.
And one-on-one counselling for individual residents who can’t participate in broader activities is provided by Effie Burgoyne. Yes, we are missing our trusty band of volunteers who supplement our regular staff of Katja, Janina, Nadia & Effie.. However, for a modest size facility like Abel Tasman Village, resident activities are remarkably well resourced.
April is a busy month at Abel Tasman Village. Easter is now upon us and before we know it, we’ll have Anzac Day and the King’s Birthday! Download our April Newsletter & Calendar here.
We’ve just finalised the ATV March newsletter for download. All the news that’s fit to print (those COVID vaccinations are getting closer and this month we all pretend to be Irish.
But of course for the Dutch and those who enjoy Dutch food and customs, there is always the Rembrandt Social Club and its March newsletter here.
We’re facilitating a follow-up webinar to prepare for the COVID-19 vaccination rollout. It will be held next Tuesday 23rd February at 11:30. The focus of the seminar is to provide information on the provision of consent ( or decline). More information and register for the webinar here.
Oh… on a totally different topic, you may have missed the Abel Tasman Village feed on Facebook today. Unfortunately we were one of the organisations which were caught in the cross-fire between Facebook, the Media and the Australian Goverment. Our feed should be restored soon, we hope… Meanwhile, we started a Social Media page so you can keep up with social activities at ATV.